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                  Global Education Global Education UC San Diego


                  Global Education celebrates the July 14th decision to rescind the July 6th SEVP policy update, that will allow international students to remain in the U.S. even in a virtual learning environment. We believe that no student should have to choose between obtaining an education and their personal wellbeing. Our offices continue to monitor the situation closely and will respond to any new developments. International students and scholars are always welcome at UC San Diego.

                  For More Information, Click Here


                  Following the proclamation of Governor Gavin Newsom on March 20, the Global Education Director's Office, the International Faculty & Scholars Office (IFSO), the International Students & Programs Office (ISPO), and Study Abroad are working remotely. We will continue to provide a high standard of service and support to the entire campus community, both international and domestic. Below you will find information on some changes to our processes that might impact you. 

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                  The Director’s Office continues to further the internationalization of campus by cultivating international partnerships, developing new program modalities and supporting the continuity of the ACE Internationalization Lab.



                  IFSO encourages using the paperless "International Scholar Dossier" web-based application for all J-1 requests and created electronic workflows to maintain all other services.  IFSO continues to offer programming online via Zoom and regularly updates departmental and scholar clients with immigration news in this fast changing environment.

                  For more information, click 极光加速破解.



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                  FAQs can be found 极光加速器安卓.



                  Study Abroad is advising students both virtually and by phone appointments. They have also created a webpage with information  for each international program managed by Study Abroad and how these programs are being impacted.

                  Visit the Study Abroad COVID-19 webpage HERE.



                  Global Education supports UC San Diego’s mission of providing transformative experiences in a globally-connected world by bridging educational opportunities with the vast global research network of our campus. Whether supporting international students, faculty and scholars to achieve academic and personal success, or creating and connecting students to high-impact opportunities abroad, Global Education achieves UC San Diego’s culture of collaboration and vision to prepare the next generation of global leaders.

                  Learn more about the division of Global Education


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                  International Students and Programs Office (ISPO)

                  Learn more about ISPO
                  Study Abroad Logo

                  Study Abroad UC San Diego

                  Learn more about Study Abroad
                  IFSO Logo

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                  Learn more about IFSO




                  International Faculty & Scholars Office Contacts


                  International Students & Programs Office

                  Contact ISPO




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